Napkin Dispensers Paular, 2024
Metal, granite, acrylic glass, custom printed cocktail napkins with Agnus Dei by Francisco di Zurbarán
I made these napkin dispensers for the final meeting of Maria Muhle’s seminar Politics & Aesthetics of the Surrealist Movement which took place in the summer 2024 at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich. The event took the form of an apéro where we served Martinis to the participants of the seminar and other invited guests. The drinks were made according to Luis Buñuel’s description in his autobiography My Last Breath (1982). The dispensers and the edition of napkins reference Buñuel’s description of an ideal bar setting he found in Madrid:
There’s also the bar in the Paular Hotel, in the northern part of the city, set in the courtyard of a magnificent Gothic monastery. The room is long and lined with tall granite columns; and except on weekends, when the place trembles with tourists and noisy children, it’s usually half empty. I can sit there for hours, undisturbed, surrounded by Zurbarán reproductions, only half conscious of the shadow of a silent waiter floating by from time to time, ever respectful of my alcoholic reveries.

Napkin Dispenser Clara, 2023
Metal, stone, custom printed lunch napkins
This piece was used as a napkin dispenser during Conversation Piece, the final event of Ruine München Companions, which took the form of a 7-course dinner. The setting as well as the meals consisted of art pieces by various artists. The napkins themselves presented the contributors and their roles within the evening.